Curse of the blog OBSERVER
From Financial Times - 17/03/2005
Another to add to Observer's 101 reasons for a business leader NOT to write a weblog.
They curse your boss. On second thoughts ...
Shortly after Hewlett-Packard encouraged its top team to start scribbling, chief executive Carly Fiorina got the boot.
Then Randy Baseler, vice-president of Boeing, got going just weeks before Harry Stonecipher was forced out over indelicate e-mails sent to his lover.
At least HP blogger Rich Marcello mentioned Fiorina had gone. Baseler ignores Stonecipher and his only mention of desire is "passengers' desire for more point to point service", to be met by the new 777-Worldliner.
Bob Lutz, vice-chairman of General Motors, has the oldest and best business blog. How much longer can Rick Wagoner survive?
Posted by: windshield replacement | 13 June 2011 at 03:07 PM