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17 June 2005


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At Halliburton/KBR, sexual assault is just part of the workplace experience for women Like many viewers, I watched this ABC 20/20 report when it first aired in December with jaws-open, eyes-bugging horror. It told the story of two women workers for Halliburton/KBR who had been sent to Iraq. There, one, Jamie Lee Jones, a young computer tech, was gang-raped on her fourth day by coworkers after being drugged; the other, Tracy Barker, was sexually assaulted by a State Department employee. Both immediately reported their assaults, only to have KBR first lock them in isolation, then question their accusations. In the case of Jones, it even "lost" the medical report that documented evidence of gang rape.
Click on a small picture to see shocking photos:

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  • Welcome to CitizenSpin. I’m Matt Foster, and this is a weblog devoted to managing corporate reputations online. CitizenSpin is about shaping corporate communication strategy, using the tools of online communication and the blogging community. For public relations the frontier territory of the Internet is providing challenges and opportunities: citizen journalists, blogs, podcasting, consumer relations. My background is as a professional communicator working as a journalist and producer for both broadcast and print media here in London. Feel free to browse through and add your comments. Matt

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