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15 July 2005


Shari Aaron
I agree. Citizen consumers (that is caring, aware and empowered individuals) are already making great changes to our society -- much is just not reported in the mainstream news. I am watching a great new citizen consumer company to launch - www.alonovo.com will ensure that all consumers know more about the environmental and social performance of companies --before they buy. Shopping from companies that support our social and environmental values will help to move economic leverage to companies working for the greater social good. www.alonovo.com is the first socially responsible online shopping site -- the data comes from KLD (a trusted source of socially responsible investment data). alonovo.com was created by caring citizen consumers -- another example that bright, caring folks can move mountains. I think since we see our governments and institutions not meeting our needs -- we must do what we can to restore ethics, protect our society, our planet and find peaceful solutions to the world's problems. Some of the brightest, most caring folks are working real hard to move us to a more sustainable world. Blogs, socially responsible shopping sites and consumer citizens are all good stuff!
David Phillips
“Loosely organised groups with be increasingly given leverage.” Is fun to look at. My research into Relationship Value suggests that this is really the reality of life and organisations. The idea of monolithic structures is a bit old hat. Most organisations are a coalition of 'loosely organised' groups anyway. We now need to understand the nature of people, their tangible and intangible assets and the values they find attractive.

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  • Welcome to CitizenSpin. I’m Matt Foster, and this is a weblog devoted to managing corporate reputations online. CitizenSpin is about shaping corporate communication strategy, using the tools of online communication and the blogging community. For public relations the frontier territory of the Internet is providing challenges and opportunities: citizen journalists, blogs, podcasting, consumer relations. My background is as a professional communicator working as a journalist and producer for both broadcast and print media here in London. Feel free to browse through and add your comments. Matt

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