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« Citizen journalists - writing the first draught of history? | Main | So where does this citizen-journalism impact big business? »

16 August 2005


Jozef Imrich
Indeed, big media and business fail to put on the shoes of the consumers and citizens ... In June 2005 Reportage Medialog noted that Margo Kingston’s webdiary can really be considered as an example of citizen journalism. ‘Webdiary is in fact a pioneer of this kind of journalism and Margo has an incredible commitment to working directly with her readers - many not at all of her own political persuasion - to engender real participatory discussion.’ Citizen Journalism Alert Margo Kingston today closed her Webdiary at Fairfax and hang her shingle up at a new site. Media is filled with many preachers and academics, but it is rare to find inspiring practitioners. Margo Kingston does as she says: Personal opening statement to Webdiarists Citizen Journalism Alert Double diary, as Margo Kingston goes freelance

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